Vendor Rating by Commercial Executives
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3.0 Brief Introduction:

MDL’s Supplier /Contractor performances are assessed and their rating are carried out for all purchases and orders for the services / facilities regardless of the value, but excluding cash purchase items.

3.1 Back Ground:

Vigilance Dept. during its Scrutiny of vender registration / vender rating process observed that there was an audit observation for non - receipt of vender ratings from user department even after completion of order. It has also been noted that suppliers ratings was delayed by user & commercial dept. due to various reasons like lack of awareness, do not know the procedures for vendor ratings, and most importantly not known the purpose and significance of vendor ratings.

3.2 Implementation:

The following Systemic Improvements as suggested by Vigilance Department were implemented:

(i) All commercial Departments shall ensure the timely vendor rating so that updated database of performance of vendor is available.

(ii) All commercial Departments shall strictly adhere to the requirement of quarterly vendor rating for ARC/BRC/TRC and long term contracts as per Purchase manual.

3.3 Impact:

To implement the timely vendor rating, now the same is done through SAP.


Page last updated date: 15/01/2025 15:25 Hrs