Tracking of Unutilised IT Hardware
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10.0 Brief Introduction:

The IT hardware (PC, Printers etc.) are lying in various departments across MDL. Such IT hardwares may or may not be in active use. The future requirements of these IT hardware are determined based on the information available regarding their present status (active, inactive, obsolete, irreparable etc.).

10.1 Background:

During the scrutiny of an internal audit report, it was observed that there was no process to track IT hardware which are not in active use in various departments across MDL. The CIT department, through Active Directory, tracks the IT hardware which are not in active use for more than 45 days. However, the IT assets which are physically not connected in the network cannot be traced.

As a corrective measure,a guideline was incorporated in cyber security policy stating that any unutilized working hardware in the department shall be reported to CIT department and such hardware, if any, shall be utilized to meet the requirement from other departments. It was felt that such an instruction in a policy of 83 pages might have been be practically overlooked or the reporting may be missed by some, if not all, departments.

10.2 Implementation:

As a systemic improvement, the following was suggested and the same was implemented.

(a) A Separate circular to be issued by the CIT department addressing to all HOD/HOS/DSA regarding compliance to Cyber Security Policy, Page 36 of Annexure-B of Hardware Policy at 5.1(vii), which is reproduced as under;

“Any unutilized working hardware in the Department shall be reported to CIT Department. The said hardware, if any, shall be utilized to meet the requirement from other Departments”

so that all depts. may come to know the context and relevancy of the circular and may comply with it.

(b) All department HODs/HOSs/DSAs must give feedback to the designated Officer of CIT dept. by end of every quarter, even if it is a NIL report.

10.3 Impact and Benefits:

With the implementation of the above mentioned Systemic improvement, the tracking of all unutilized IT hardware has become regular and the responsibility towards IT policy is realised by all concerned.


Page last updated date: 15/01/2025 15:25 Hrs