Technical Evaluation of bids
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8.0 Brief Introduction:

A limited tender enquiry was sent to six nominated vendors for Repair and Refurbishment of Equipments/Systems with certain repair and storage facility at bidders’ premises as Pre-Qualification Criteria.

8.1 Background:

Based on the signed complaint received from one of the bidders, regarding their disqualification on technical ground. On investigation, it was observed that the bidder has quoted based on their capacity to comply with the pre-qualification criteria of having suitable repair facility through their MOU with another vendor, since their own facility was dismantled. However, no supporting valid documents were produced by the bidder in response to regular queries raised by the TNC. During initial technical scrutiny, the tender terms regarding the required repair facility were misinterpreted by the technical executive and accordingly the observations were communicated to all bidders. Though the error in the scrutiny was subsequently rectified and communicated to all bidders, this gave an opportunity to the bidder to complain against Technical evaluation.

Also, there was no mention of the value of Free Issue BG in the Free issue material clause of the tender though some of the material was to be provided to the successful bidders. During tendering period, it was communicated to all probable bidders that Indemnity Bond with Insurance Cover of specified value would be acceptable.

Though there was no merit found in the complaint, the procurement process was delayed due to correspondence on Free Issue Material Clause, clarifications and justification on the issues related to pre-qualification criteria arising out of error in initial technical scrutiny.

8.2 Implementation:

As a systemic improve the following was implemented through a memorandum from concerned Functional Director.

(i) The techno-commercial scrutiny of the offers must be carried out strictly w.r.t. the confirmations and supporting documents required as per tender clauses.

(ii) The relevant tender clauses are to be mentioned while preparing the comments/observations on the techno-commercial bid.

(iii) The TNC recommendation report must indicate the tender clauses w.r.t. which a bid is technically rejected and the reason of rejection should be communicated to the respective bidder.

(iv) The tender clause for Free Issue Material Bank Guarantee (FIMBG)/Indemnity Bond w.r.t. the material supplied by MDL free of cost to the supplier, to be drafted in line with conditions given in Purchase Manual. The value of FIMBG/Indemnity is to be specified clearly in the tender.

8.3 Impact and Benefits:

The due diligence in specifying respective clauses of the tender while preparing technical scrutiny report and post technical discussion with the bidders while preparing Bid acceptance / rejection report, eliminates technical errors and misinterpretation, if any, is immediately gets rectified.


Page last updated date: 15/01/2025 15:25 Hrs