Systemic Improvements in Record Management
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5.0 Brief Introduction:

The Personnel Records/ Files of all executives are being maintained and updated by HR-Executives Section on a regular basis. Similarly, Performance Appraisal Reports and Annual Property Returns of all executives are also maintained by HR-E Section in individual files.

HR-E Section is not only required to maintain the personnel files, but also need to ensure that the documents/ certificates are diligently filed in the respective files from time to time.

5.1 Background:

With a view to verify whether the personnel records/ files of all executives are being maintained by HR Department in an organised manner, a spot check was conducted by Vigilance Department.

5.2 Implementation:

The following systemic improvements have been suggested and being implemented:

The personnel files, ACRs & APRs of all executives are maintained meticulously by HR Dept. However, with the advent of technology, these files need to be scanned, indexed and digitised for ease of storage, access of information as well as prevention of loss of crucial data in case of any unforeseen calamities.

An Online system may be developed wherein these documents can be accessed by all stakeholders as per the authorisation granted to them.

Further, the physical storage of personnel files in a single location without adequate fire prevention measures creates a huge risk of loss of property/data (as they are not scanned/digitised). Accordingly, the Fire Alarm system should be monitored regularly by Fire Dept. & User Dept. In case of breakdown, the same should be reported to Fire Dept. and the issue should be fixed on top priority to prevent any probable loss. Accountability of personnel should be fixed for maintaining the Fire Alarm system and proper timeline should be defined for resolving the breakdowns, if any.

5.3 Impact and Benefits:

Implementation of the aforesaid systemic improvements suggested by Vigilance Department would lead to streamlining the record management system and prevent data loss in case of any unforeseen event.


Page last updated date: 15/01/2025 15:25 Hrs