Systemic Improvement Suggested in Canteen
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20.0 Brief Introduction:

A complaint was received in Vigilance department regarding corruption in Non-Executives Canteen. Accordingly, an investigation was carried out, report was submitted and since the complaint was pseudonymous in nature, it was proposed to not to take any action on the complaint. Subsequently, a spot check was carried out to ascertain the verifiable facts and suggest suitable action thereof.

20.1 Background:

A complaint was received with various allegations viz: Unhygienic conditions for preparation of food, Selling of few canteen items during evening snacks period without conforming to specified rules, Selling of certain food items at lower rate in the morning breakfast time and same item at higher rate in the evening snacks time, Selling of few food items non-conforming to agreement terms between Management & the Unions and Supply of less quantity of breakfast in the morning & more/higher quantity of snacks in the evening.

During the Spot Check, a detailed investigation of each allegation put forth by the complainant was examined and based on the observations following have been emerged out:

a. The overall condition of the area where food is being prepared is appears to be ok.

b. Few breakfast and evening snacks items have been kept as an additional item apart from the items indicated in GM(HR)’s circular dated 25 Mar’15, the same have neither been made compulsory nor made mandatory and it is being served as an optional to the items indicated in GM(HR)’s above circular. The rates being charged for the same appears to be reasonable and nor exorbitant in comparison with the prevalent market rates.

c. The canteen contractor had provided more quantity of breakfast as well as evening snacks item on the aforesaid dates and the same is more than that stipulated in GM(HR)’s circular dated 25 Mar’ 19. The same items are not being made during morning as well as evening snacks time.

d. No extra or additional rates are being charged for serving the food items.

e. The canteen contractor is charging Rs.20 for other additional items like Pav-Bhaji, Egg-Bhurji etc. and the same are not being made compulsory/mandatory and provided as an optional. The rates being charged for the above additional items appears to be reasonable.

f. There is no difference in quantity as well as rate for the same item.

g. The breakfast is being received in required quantity and there is no less supply of breakfast items in the morning & also no surplus quantity of evening snacks items is being supplied.

20.2 Implementation:

The following systemic improvements have been suggested viz:

a. Provision of 5 Rs coupon should be made and the same shall be accepted for availing breakfast or evening snacks item as per convenience of Non-Executives/ Contract Employees etc. (e.g. Instead of taking 2 Pav+ 2 Vada at a rate of Rs.10 (Compulsorily whether one want full quantity or half), 1 Vada +1 Pav can be availed at Rs.5).

b. Canteen Contract Service provider proposal of providing additional items than that stipulated in GM(HR) circular dated 25 Mar’19 shall be taken into consideration by the CMC. However, the rates for these items (As indicated in Point No.4. b.2 & 5 above) shall be reviewed, concurred and approved by the CMC in order to serve variety of food items at a reasonable price in addition to the exiting approved items thereby ensuring less or minimal movement of non-executives outside the gate and ultimately enhancing the productivity.

c. CMC shall hold monthly review meeting with all members of Non-Executive Unions regarding various issues like cleanliness, food preparation area, items being served, price, suggestion/grievances if any etc. and the minutes of the same shall be circulated and hosted at all prominent locations.

d. Surprise checks shall be carried out by the CMC once in a quarter to understand the ground reality, actual condition and ensuring required quantity and quality of food items being served and also to hold a check on the canteen contractor at all times.

e. A checklist for carrying out cleaning of utensils being used for preparation of food, housekeeping of area adjacent to utensils area in the pantry shall be prepared and the same shall be made mandatory, adopted and followed on regular basis. In short,5S shall be implemented in canteen areas.

f. The frequency of Anti Termite Work application in the canteen area shall be defined and the same shall be adhered too and ensured.

20.3 Impact and Benefits:

Based on the above investigation D (CP&P) has issued a circular for implementation of the aforesaid systemic improvements suggested by Vigilance Dept. which has resulted in ease of Non-Executives while availing the canteen facilities.


Page last updated date: 15/01/2025 15:25 Hrs