Recruitments of Non Executives
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3.0 Brief Introduction:

The recruitment of non-executives of various trades/categories is carried out at MDL through nationally published advertisement.

3.1 Background:

Based on a complaint, detailed investigations were carried out on the recruitment procedure of Store Keepers on Fixed Term Contract basis. it was observed that the no. of candidates shortlisted after online exam for the Trade test was more than the pre-approved ratio/number of candidatesvis-a vis to the number of vacancies.The initial proposal for recruitment was not routed through the SC/ST/OBC Liaison officer for verification/certification of reserved/backlog vacancies as per the reservation roster. Equivalent academic qualification was not specified in the recruitment advertisement. One candidate was selected and appointed although he/she was not eligible as per his/her qualifications. One of the selected candidates failed to join and the waitlisted candidate was not issued with the appointment letter. One of the selected candidates accepted the conditions of appointment letter after the specified period. Online applications were scrutinised by outsourced employees and were not authenticated by any executive.Appointment letters were handed over personally to the selected candidates.

3.2 Implementation:

As a systemic improvementin recruitment procedure, the following was suggested and the same was implemented through a memorandum from the Functional Directorconcerned.

(a) Presently Recruitment Manual for Non Executives in MDL does not exist. Efforts may be made to promulgate a self-contained and well defined Recruitment Manual at the earliest with all rules, regulations, procedures to be adopted for recruitment of Manpower for all posts (i.e. Permanent, Fixed Term and outsourced Manpower). Standard Operating Procedures to be followed in respect of initiating approvals, requirement of Manpower, format of advertisement, procedure for scrutinising applications, conduct of examination etc. Functions of Trade Test committees should be clearly spelt out.

(b) The initial advertisement should contain the complete details of the Examination, Tentative Date of examination, subject and syllabus, Number of questions, Maximum Marks, duration of the exam and the procedure of finalising the merit list so as to maintain complete transparency.

(c) The initial proposal should be routed through the Manpower Planning Group to certify the requirements of Manpower as proposed by the User department.

(d) The initial Proposal for recruitment should be routed through the Liaison Officer for SC/ST for certification of reservations/backlog of vacancies proposed to be indicated in the advertisement to avoid any violation of Government directives.

(e) It is observed that a number of posts are advertised in MDL at various stages during the year. It is suggested that a common Test on the lines of National Recruitment Agency (NRE) may be adopted and conducted for all posts arising for a future period of 02 years. Score/merit list of such test may be made valid for 02 years. As and when the vacancies arise, the candidates can be called up at short notice for trade test and selection thereafter. This will help in minimising the expenditure on Advertisement, Manpower assisting in recruitment etc. and it will also help in completing the recruitment process at a faster pace.

(f) The Trade Test committee members should be briefed well in advance about their role and responsibilities vis-a-vis the eligibility criteria mentioned in the recruitment advertisement. The external member, if invited for the trade test should be asked to submit his/her views on the performance of the candidates.

(g) It may be made mandatory for all executives to sign along with dates on all proposals/documents. This will prevent anyone from predating or postdating the document and is a safeguard against any forgery of predating and postdating of such documents. This will also help in good documentation practice.

(h) The practice of handing over appointment letters personally should be stopped. Appointment letters should be forwarded on the registered email of the candidate or by speed post on the address provided by the candidate and the same should be notified on the corporate website. Information Technology may be utilised in each stage of the examination such as reminders through SMS on the registered mobile number regarding appearing for medical test, results of medical test, final selection and dispatch of appointment letters to the candidates. This should be linked to each stage of selection in the systems so that with each stage a SMS/email is triggered to the candidate which will help in making the recruitment selection process more transparent.

3.3 Impact and Benefits:

With the implementation of the above mentioned Systemic improvement, the recruitment procedure for non-executives has become more transparent and possibility of favoring any candidate has been eliminated.


Page last updated date: 15/01/2025 15:25 Hrs