Procurement as per Sample
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6.0 Brief Introduction:

In a tender it was stipulated that the item should be as per the specifications and a sample should be provided along with the test certificate from Govt. lab. or Govt. accredited lab along with the offer.

6.1 Background:

On investigations it was observed that the technical scrutiny was done based on visual inspection of samples only and compliance to specifications was not ensured. Test certificate submitted by the bidders were not verified. This had resulted in rejection of offers meeting technical specifications and acceptance of offers which did not comply with the specifications. Also, the technical scrutiny was not carried out by the Technical Negotiation Committee (TNC) but by the representatives from the user department.

6.2 Implementation:

The following Systemic Improvements were suggested and implemented. Where the procurement through sample is unavoidable, the Samples should not be asked from the bidders along with the offer. The technical scrutiny should be carried out by the TNC based on the Pre-Qualification Criteria mentioned in the tender and latest test certificate of the items provided by the bidders. The successful bidder should provide sample for approval along with test certificate from Govt. Lab. or Govt. accredited lab and after approval of the test sample by the user department, supplier should be allowed for bulk production.

6.3 Impact and Benefits:

In cases of procurement through samples, the bidders with experience and valid test certificates are only qualified. The possibility of rejection of materials during receipt inspection is minimized.


Page last updated date: 15/01/2025 15:25 Hrs