Operation & Maintenance of 30 T weigh Bridge
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7.0 Brief Introduction:

As spot check regarding Operation & Maintenance functions for 30 T weigh Bridge at South Yard was carried out on 07th Mar 2019.The Calibration certificate, Weigh Slip Record, Old calibration certificates were checked and one sample weighment was also physically witnessed.

It was observed that the calibration was expired on 5thJun 2018, sample copy of weigh slips was found in order, a gross weight of the Truck loaded with MS Scrap was recorded and the same was witnessed by MDL Operator, CISF Security & the Representative of Vendor in presence of Vigilance Team. Since the Operation of 30 T Weigh Bridge was carried out in the non-calibrated condition, a detailed investigation pertaining to calibration, O & M of the weigh bridge was carried out.

7.1 Background:

A. During the course of interaction with Yard Upkeep Cell (YUC) team while seeking details of Weigh Bridge, Calibration Certificate, Responsibility of Calibration, Operation part, Alternate procedure in the event of break-down of weigh bridge and checking of calibration certificate at outside weigh bridge in the event of unavoidable situation etc., YUC team responded that they are responsible for operation part only and the responsibility of calibration/overall maintenance lies with Store/GRS. Further, it was also stated that the capacity of weigh bridge is 30 T, the weigh slips are generated in electronic form and in the event of breakdown of weigh bridge, YUC (Operation Team) use to carry out weighment at outside weigh bridge and also use to check calibration of the outside weigh bridge. On investigation, the following observations were made:

1. An order was placed on M/s. A Ltd. for stamping of 30 T Weigh Bridge and it was valid for the period between 02 Mar’16 till 01 Mar’18.

2. New Biennial Maintenance Contract was awarded to M/s. A Ltd for 30 T Weigh Bridge on 10 Sep’18.

3. M/s. A Ltd.intimated that after receipt of PO they have taken up the job for stamping of MDL 30T Weigh Bridge. It was further informed that as per Legal & Metrology Dept. rules, stamping will be done after the customer arrange for 50% of test weights load and a FIR form is required to be submitted for onward submission in Legal & Meteorology Dept. Mandavi Branch.

4. A meeting was held between M/s. A Ltd.& OIC–GRS (Goods Receipt Section) on 14 Dec’18 for completing formalities pertaining to print out of FIR Registration Form on MDL Letter head and for discussing and initiating further action.

5. M/s. A Ltd. apprised MDL about payment of Stamping Fees to Weights & Measure Dept in Dec’18, continuous follow up with the Inspector-Legal & Metrology for seeking his physical visit to MDL for stamping. It was further communicated that due to change in the quarter, it is required to pay an extra amount of Rs.2000/-as late stamping fees.

6. The appointment of Inspector-Legal & Metrology for stamping was obtained on 26 Feb’19 and the stamping was carried out on 26 Feb’19.

B. Based on the above observations, following is concluded:

1. M/s. A Ltd. is the manufacturer of 30T Electro Mechanical Weigh Bridge, they were & are the Single Nominated Vendor for carrying out Biennial Maintenance Contract and Two Time Stamping of 30T Weigh bridge for the period between 02 Mar’16 till 01 Mar’18 and from 14 Sep’2018 up to 14 Sep’2020.

2. SB-Stores had raised PR & forwarded to OTS for tendering.

3. OTS Dept. carried out tendering work by following due commercial procedures and placed the order on M/s A Ltd. on 10 Sep’18. The tender was required to be extended twice due to no response from the single nominated vendor (DSC Issue of the vendor for e-tendering). The clarifications/required documents in order to meet tender conditions were also submitted late by the vendor.

4. FIR Registration form & 50% weight were required to be arranged by MDL for carrying out Stamping Work.

5. Govt. of Maharashtra, Legal & Metrology Dept. has changed offline system to online for issuing digitally signed stamping certificate in digital form.

6. The due date for calibration was on 05 Jun’18. The weighment was carried out in non-calibrated condition from 05 Jun’18 till 26 Feb’19.

7. M/s A Ltd. had carried out Maintenance service on 05 Oct’18 during non-calibrated period.

8. There was no complaint from the User pertaining to difference in results of the weights carried out from MDL 30T Weigh Bridge vis-à-vis outside weigh bridge results.

9. A Certificate of Verification pertaining to Stamping of 30T Weigh Bridge digitally signed by Inspector of Legal Metrology, Mandavi-2 was issued on 26 Feb’19.

10. The weighing operation is mainly carried out pertaining to Liquid Oxygen (Inox Air Products), Galvanizing, Issue of Material from Production Shops to Subcontractor Workshop & Scrap Materials.

11. TS-YUCDeptt. is responsible for operation part & SB-Stores is responsible for maintenance part of 30T weigh bridge. OTS Dept.is responsible for placement of order pertaining to services under maintenance.

12. Due to change in the quarter, an additional amount of Rs.2000/-was required to be paid by M/s A Ltd.as late stamping fees.

7.2 Implementation:

The following systemic improvements have been suggested:

1. Operation & Maintenance responsibility shall be kept with one department.

2. A committee shall be constituted to look after Calibration & Stamping part of Weigh Bridge on time to time basis in order to avoid delay in stamping, calibration of weigh bridge and subsequent incorrect results of weighment if situation does occur so.

3. A procedure to be formulated for carrying out weighment at outside MDL Weigh Bridge in the event of breakdown/failure of 30T Weigh Bridge.

4. Commercial activities pertaining to services of stamping and calibration shall be rest with the committee.

5. The feasibility of installation of weigh bridge at Anik Chembur Yard/Sewree Yard /Nhava Yard to be explored so as to avoid distribution of load of weigh bridge at respective locations.

6. Alternate vendor data base shall be searched for carrying out stamping activities in order to avoid monopoly of single nominate vendor, who is the manufacturer of weigh bridge.

7.3 Impact and Benefits:

In order to have smooth operations and for ensuring single point responsibility, CMD has issued a circular entrusting overall responsibility of maintenance including regular calibration of the weigh bridge on TS-YUC Section. The systemic improvements suggested by Vigilance Dept. has been considered and this would result in ease of O & M of 30 T Weigh Bridge with single point responsibility and timely calibration of the Weigh Bridge.


Page last updated date: 15/01/2025 15:25 Hrs