Maintenance Dredging
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2.0 Brief Introduction:

MDL enters into rate contract with the dredging firms for carrying out the maintenance dredging of the channels before movement of the ships which are under construction at MDL. With the objective of mitigating manipulation in dredged quantity and dumping location new clauses viz. Survey of the site to be dredged in the presence of the representatives of Ship Dredging and Docking Department of MDL, use of Barge having Automatic Identifying System (AIS) by the contractor to remove and dump dredged material, Confirmation to be furnished by the contractor as regard to Prior intimation to Vehicle Traffic Control of Mumbai Port Trust for dumping the dredged material, submission of certificate issued by Mumbai Port Trust mentioning that the dredged material has been dumped at the location approved by Trust etc, have been incorporated in the tender document.

2.1 Background:

Average annual expenditure towards dredging activity in MDL is Rs. 30 Crore. Prior to incorporation of these clauses in the tender document, the contract was being awarded to the third party after conduct of pre dredging survey by the Maharashtra Maritime Board (MMB) in the presence of representative of Technical Service Department of MDL only. Further, after dredging, post dredging survey was being done by MMB to find out actual quantity of dredging carried out. Thus, there was the possibility of manipulation in pre and post dredged survey data.

Further, the complaints were being received regarding dumping of dredged material at the locations nearby to the harbour in violation of MbPT Rules and there were also chances of coming back of dredged material through waves. The barges deployed by the contractors were also not being reported regularly to Vehicle Traffic Control System due to which the record of actual dumping could not be known.

2.2 Implementation:

The Tender document was modified and it is ensured every time while preparing tender document that all the clauses as formulated for dredging and dumping of material have been incorporated in the tender document. Further, survey of the sites to be dredged is done in the manner prescribed for the purpose.

2.3 Impact and Benefits:

With the introduction of new clauses in the tender document, manipulation in dredged quantity and dumping location has been eliminated. Furthermore, compliance of coastal rules is ensured.


Page last updated date: 15/01/2025 15:25 Hrs