The OPVs are capable of fulfilling the following roles:
• Protection of offshore assets
• MIO and VBSS operations
• Presence-cum-Surveillance Missions
• Support of Special Operations
• Out of area contingency Ops
• Non-Combatant Evacuation Ops
• Convoy Operations/ Anti-Piracy Missions
• Counter Infiltrations Ops
• Anti-Poaching/ Trafficking
• Search and Rescue Missions
This OPVs have an over length of 115m and is capable of achieving a speed of 23 knots.
The ships are propelled by Twin Diesel engine with Controllable Pitch Propellers.
Accommodation facility for up to 150 crew.
The vessel has been designed to house containerized module of specific roles such as HADR,
Non-Combatant Evacuation Ops, Hospital, Fleet maintenance support etc.
The vessel has a flight deck and hangar facility for one large helicopter up to 11tons.
The vessel is fitted with a 76mm Main Gun and 2 nos. each of 30mm and 2 nos. of 12.7mm guns
and with provisions for carrying VSHORADS and other small arms and ammunition.
MDL can offer a customized version of this design to suit the customers’ requirements.
90-115 m
3000 T
23-28 knots
Salient Features
In-house design
It is a medium range weapon surface platform capable of operation in maritime zones and
around island territories
The vessel is primarily designed for EEZ and Coastal patrolling including shallow waters,
Fisheries protection, anti-smuggling and anti-terrorist and anti-piracy operations. The vessel
can also provide assistance during maritime pollution response operation and can switch over
wartime roles.
The vessel has an overall length of 55 m and is capable of achieving a speed of 27 knots.
The ships are propelled by Twin Diesel Engine with CPP
The vessel is fitted with a 30 mm Gun and 2 Nos' of 12.7 mm and with provisions for carrying
small arms and ammunition.
Accommodation facility for 42 crew.
A variant of this design capable of achieving 33 knots with three water jet propulsion is
also available
55 m
27 knots
Salient Features
Act as floating base for the flotilla of fast patrol boats
Intended for supplying fuel, fresh water and provisions to the smaller fast patrol boats
Provisions for LMGs and MMGs on board
Stowage facility on deck for four fast patrol boat of 6.4 m length with speed of 29 knots
Lodging facilities for 37 persons for two weeks
34.5 m
9.5 m
338.5 T
37 knots
Salient Features
In-house design
CODAG configuration
Waterjet Propulsion
Designed for handling asymmetric threats
It is provided with Weapon fit for Anti-Ship Warfare, Surface to Air Missile (SAM), Close In
Weapon System (CIWS)
It is designed to withstand Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Damage (NBCD)
89.1 m
12 m
3.26 m
6.7 m
33 knots
1417 T
80 persons
Interested for further Conversation?
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New Construction Defence and Commercial Shipbuilding