Improvements in Tendering of Capital Items
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15.0 Brief Introduction:

Vigilance department received a bonafied complaint against the pre-qualification criteria indicated in the tender for procurement of Capital equipment.

15.1 Background:

During the investigation, it was observed that the Pre-Qualification(PQ) criteria indicated in the tender was inappropriate as it was leading to reducing the competition and inclined towards acceptance of offer of authorised dealer on behalf of OEM, whereas it was turnkey type job. i.e. design, engineering, and manufacturing of equipment of specific nature.

Further, the complaints were being received regarding dumping of dredged material at the locations nearby to the harbour in violation of MbPT Rules and there were also chances of coming back of dredged material through waves. The barges deployed by the contractors were also not being reported regularly to Vehicle Traffic Control System due to which the record of actual dumping could not be known.

15.2 Implementation:

The following Systemic improvements suggested by Vigilance Department were implemented:

(i) Whenever possible, authorised representatives/dealers should not be allowed to quote for critical requirements which involve design, engineering and manufacturing of specific requirements. In case OEM has limitation of submitting their quote directly to MDL then OEM can authorize their dealer to submit their offer with an assurance and complete responsibility for design, safety and any support during execution with respect to its performance and post supply support of final product.

(ii) Suitable clause regarding Public Procurement (Preference toMake in India) promulgated vide CMD Memorandum No.CH/57/2018 or as amended time to time be incorporated in tender documents wherever applicable

15.3 Impact and Benefits:

Opportunity offered to bidders to avail the advantages of Make in India Policy. PQ criteria modified to create competitive bidding. Ensured support of OEM during and post execution of work, in case their authorised dealer/representative submit offer on behalf of OEM. All sundry dealers would not quote for turnkey type work which involve design, engineering, manufacturing and supply & installation.


Page last updated date: 15/01/2025 15:25 Hrs