Improvement in Project execution (Civil Works)
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5.0 Brief Introduction:

A works contract was awarded on open tender basis which was amended multiple times under Growth of Work carried out as per provision of Purchase Manual (PM).

5.1 Background:

Based on a complaint received, Investigation of the contract awarded and its execution was carried out. It was observed that the contract was amended three times for additional work and increase in quantity of certain items thereby increase in cost. It was also observed that certain vital registers (for cement, steel, RMC& test reports) were not maintained as per requirement of MDL purchase manual for quality control and re-conciliation due to which discrepancies in payment had been noticed. Discrepancies in cement consumption challans were also noted.

5.2 Implementation:

As a systemic improvementin execution of works contract,the following was suggested and the same was implemented by issuing necessary directives to all concerned.

(a) All mandatory registers to be maintained for each work viz. Cement, Steel, Concrete work (RMC/in situ concrete), cube test, manufacturer test certificate etc. as per laid down procedure of Purchase Manual & directive issued from time to time. A standard format for each register shall be maintained covering all aspects required for checking the quality parameters.

(b) TS Commercial to formulate and include in all future Tenders& Subsequent Purchase Orders a Standard clause towards submission of Reconciliation Statement by the contractor for Steel, cement and Concrete work along with Invoice. The same to be checked/ verified by TS Executive before certification and processing of Invoice.

(c) The material challans wherever required for ensuring the requisite quantity of supply required for quality check to be verified/ checked with Original challan duly signed by Security staff to ensure its correctness on regular interval and must be done prior to settlement of final bill. This is also applicable for other important documents / test certificate submitted by the contractor. In case of any over writing on submitted documents / challans, the corrections need to be counter signed by the personconcerned.

(d) TS commercial section to formulate and include a suitable clause in all future Tenders& Purchase Orders for concrete work incorporating the following.

(i) where ever cube test is required as per IS Code – satisfactory test result of 07 days be a must for accepting the work for certification / payment.

(ii) In case of non-receipt of 28 days Cube Test Reports, 10% of the amount pertaining to concreting items to be kept on hold till its submission.

5.3 Impact and Benefits:

With the implementation of the above mentioned Systemic improvement, there will be better documentation and the executives responsible for project executionwill have better monitoring and control on quality of work and facilitate checks by independent authority.


Page last updated date: 15/01/2025 15:25 Hrs