Fast Track Procurement
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4.0 Brief Introduction:

A surprise check was carried out on the procurement of items on Fast Track Basis by a Fast Track Committee.

4.1 Background:

The terms of reference of the Fast Track Committee indicated that the tender should mention the requirement of quote to be indicated in figures as well as in words and any mismatch in rates (in figures and words) will render the offer for rejection. However, it was observed that no such clause was mentioned in the tender. As per terms of contract with Customer, the Progress Review Meeting were required to be conducted at Contactor’s (i.e. MDL’s) premises. It was observed that one such review meeting was scheduled at Customer’s premises. The information on fast track procurement was not reportedperiodically to the management as per terms of references, but the same was conveyed in review meetings.

4.2 Implementation:

As a systemic improvement, the following was suggested and the same was implemented through a memorandum from the Functional Directorconcerned.

(a) All tenders must specifically mention about the requirement of vendor providing quote in ‘figures’ as well as ‘words’. This would ensure verification of the quote and suitable action in case of a mistake by the vendor in the case of physical tenders.

(b) The Senior-most Fast Track Committee Member is to ensure that All Fast Track Committee Members are provided with a copy of the respective project contract between MDL and its Customer so as to understand the detailed Terms & Conditions of the contract. The same is to be referred to and suitably analysed prior to proceeding for Fast Track Procurement.

(c) The Senior-most commercial department executive who is part of the Fast Track Committee is to ensure that a bi-monthly report on fast Track Procurement is submitted to the management in accordance with the terms & references defined for the committee.

4.3 Impact and Benefits:

With the implementation of the above mentioned Systemic improvement, the possibility of violation of the directive of management is eliminated and the control & monitoring over the fast track procurement is established.


Page last updated date: 15/01/2025 15:25 Hrs