Emergency Procurement
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7.0 Brief Introduction:

As a matter of Principle, all materials/service requirements should be planned in advance. However, if need arises to procure certain item/service on urgent basis which were not foreseen, a provision is made for raising Emergency Purchase Requisitions (PR) as per MDL Purchase Manual.

7.1 Background:

As a preventive vigilance measure, a check was carried out randomly on certain emergency procurements for project items. It was observed that the indent was initially not signed by the competent authority as per Purchase Manual. Also, the procurements on emergency basis, once completed, were not being reported to the Management periodically as defined in Purchase Manual.

7.2 Implementation:

As a systemic improvement, suitable directives were issued through a memorandum of the Functional Directorconcerned to all HODs to ensure that a monthly statement on Procurements be initiated based on Emergency PRs. It was also mentioned that the Emergency PRs are to be signed by the Competent Authority specified as per delegation of power defined in the MDL Purchase manual.As a systemic improvement, suitable directives were issued through a memorandum of the Functional Directorconcerned to all HODs to ensure that a monthly statement on Procurements be initiated based on Emergency PRs. It was also mentioned that the Emergency PRs are to be signed by the Competent Authority specified as per delegation of power defined in the MDL Purchase manual.

7.3 Impact and Benefits:

With the implementation of the above mentioned Systemic improvement, the control and monitoring on emergency procurement is increased.


पृष्ठ की अंतिम अद्यतन तिथि:15/01/2025 15:25 बजे