Contracts awarded on nomination basis
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17.0 Brief Introduction:

Vigilance department conducted a surprise check on contracts awarded on nomination basis, to ensure the CVC guidelines vide circular no. 15/5/06 dated 09.05.2006 are complied with.

17.1 Background:

During the investigation, it was observed the contracts awarded on nomination basis are not brought to the notice of the Board of Directors, on quarterly basis.

17.2 Implementation:

The following Systemic improvements suggested by Vigilance Department were implemented:

(i) All works (orders/contracts) placed on nomination basis are required to be brought to the notice of the Board for information on quarterly basis. HODs of all concerned Commercial departments will also report such purchases to Audit committee on bi-monthly basis.

17.3 Impact and Benefits:

CVC guidelines vide circular no. 15/5/06 dated 09.05.2006 are ensured to be complied with. Also similar guidelines indicated in the Purchase Manual of MDL are complied with.


Page last updated date: 15/01/2025 15:25 Hrs